Can a Chiropractor Help Turn a Breech Baby?


As a complement to regular obstetric care, chiropractic care helps pregnant women alleviate common discomforts like sciatica and back pain. It is a drug-free and noninvasive approach focusing on the nervous system and its relationship with the musculoskeletal system. However, can it help turn a breech baby?

What Is A Breech Baby?

A breech baby refers to a baby positioned bottom-first in the womb instead of head-first. It is a common occurrence that affects approximately 3-4 % of full-term pregnancies. It increases the chances of complications during delivery and, in some cases, requires a cesarean section.

Below are the main types of breech presentations:

  • The frank breech – It is the most common one. The baby’s buttocks get positioned towards the birth canal, with the legs flexed at the hips and extended at the knees
  • The complete breech – This is the type of presentation where the baby’s buttocks get positioned towards the birth canal, with the legs crossed and flexed at the knees
  • The footling breech – This is the least common type of presentation. One or both feet get positioned toward the birth canal

The Importance Of Regular Prenatal Care

Regular checkups with your healthcare provider are vital to determine if your baby is in a breech position and to ensure they are healthy. Your specialist can guide you on the best approaches and determine what is safe and appropriate for your situation.

Why Does A Baby Turn Breech?

Multiple pregnancies can cause a baby to turn into a breech position. Women carrying twins or more are more likely to have a breech baby. Uterine abnormalities can also cause this occurrence. The uterus may not have enough room to turn head first if you have a uterus with an abnormal shape or if there are fibroids.

Placenta previa, where the placenta is low in your uterus, can block the baby’s path to the birth canal. Premature birth is also a cause of a baby turning into a breech position.

Can Chiropractic Care Help Turn A Breech Baby?

Chiropractors don’t turn a breech baby. Chiropractors use a technique called the Webster technique. It involves the use of gentle adjustments to the pelvis and surrounding tissues. Its goal is to improve pelvic alignment and reduce tension in the uterine ligaments, this opens up the uterus and gives baby the room needed to turn head-first.

When Should You Seek Chiropractic Care For A Breech Baby?

Speak to your healthcare provider about your options after a breech presentation diagnosis. If you want to pursue chiropractic care, seek a chiropractor with experience working with pregnant women and performing the Webster technique, such as Dr. Kim Glasgow.

Seek chiropractic care for a breech baby during the third trimester of pregnancy, the earlier the better. Chiropractors will typically perform the Webster technique over various sessions. They may also recommend additional exercise or stretches to encourage the baby to turn head-first. It is ideal to come see a chiropractor from the start of your pregnancy, this can help prevent a breech baby.

For more about chiropractic care for breeched babies, contact Summit Family Chiropractic and Wellness, serving Draper, Utah and surrounding communities. Call (801) 845-9800 to book an appointment today.